IRB Decision Charts
It will not matter to the submission process what you enter in Streamlyne regarding the review or submission type. However, you can use the decision charts below to make a preliminary determination regarding the type of review you may expect for your proposed project. The IRB Coordinator will make the final determination as to whether your project qualifies for an exemption or expedited review and may change the type listed in the Streamlyne submission as needed.
- IRB Decision Chart 1: Does this meet the definition of Human Subjects Research?
- IRB Decision Chart 2: Does this research qualify for one of the eight categories of exemption?
- Category 1 Exemption Chart: Commonly accepted educational settings/normal educational practices
- Category 2 Exemption Chart: Educational tests, survey procedures, or public behavior observations
- Category 3 Exemption Chart: Benign behavioral interventions
- Category 4 Exemption Chart: Secondary research for which consent is not required
- Category 5 Exemption Chart: Research/demonstration projects to study, evaluate or examine public benefit/service programs
- Category 6 Exemption Chart: Taste or food quality evaluations
- Categories 7 and 8 Exemption Chart: Storage/maintenance for secondary research; and secondary research requiring broad consent
- Expedited Review: Does this research qualify for Expedited Review?
- Continuing Review: Is continuing review required for this protocol?
- Waiver of Informed Consent: Does this qualify for a waiver of informed consent?
- Waiver of Informed Consent Documentation: Can documentation of informed consent be waived?
IRB Meetings
Committee meetings are conducted both on location at 107 MLKG and via Zoom simultaneously and can be attended either way.
Here is a complete list of Research Integrity and Compliance events.
Reporting Concerns
Anyone having concerns about the safety, health or welfare of participants in human subjects research should contact the Director of Research Integrity and Compliance, the IRB Coordinator, or any member of the IRB. Confidentiality requests will be honored to the extent permitted by state and federal law, and by university policy.
Contact IRB Program Staff
Bob Beitle Jr.
Interim Director, Research Integrity and Compliance
106 MLKG