This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about biosafety.
When do I need approval from the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)?
Activities which involve Risk Group 2 or Risk Group 3 microbiological agents (bacterial, viral, fungal, and certain multicellular parasites), biological toxins, recombinant and/or synthetic nucleic acid molecules (rDNA), human or non-human primate blood or tissues, and cell cultures must have the approval of the IBC. Please see the University Biological Safety Manual for more information.
How do I get IBC approval?
Submit the appropriate forms at least one week prior to a scheduled meeting. To find out the date of the next meeting, check the Office of Research Integrity and Compliance webpage or contact the IBC Compliance Coordinator (ibc@uark.edu, or 479-575-2671).
Where do I get the IBC forms?
The fillable PDF forms are available here.
To whom, and how, do I submit the completed forms?
An electronic copy of the forms should be sent to the IBC Compliance Coordinator at ibc@uark.edu.
Whom do I contact for technical advice and/or assistance with completing the forms?
Contact the Biosafety Officer by calling 479-575-3533 or sending an e-mail to bbhoward@uark.edu.
How often does the committee meet?
The IBC meets once a month depending on submission of protocols. Please note that meetings may be cancelled if no protocols are received at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting date.
When will my protocol be reviewed?
The IBC Compliance Coordinator will send you a confirmation of receipt and inform you of any readily identifiable problems or issues. If there are none, you will be notified of the time and location of the next IBC meeting. You must attend to describe the proposed work and answer any questions about the protocol.
Once I have an approved protocol, how often do I need to renew it?
Protocols are approved for a three (3) year period. You will be notified by the Compliance Coordinator approximately two months prior to the expiration date, asking that you either submit a renewal or confirm that the protocol can be terminated.
When should I submit a request for a protocol renewal?
Renewals must be submitted prior to expiration of the approved protocol.
If I want to renew my current protocol, will I need to attend another IBC meeting?
The IBC Compliance Coordinator sends renewals of approved protocols (due every three years) to the full committee. Any committee member can request a full review of the protocol, with the investigator in attendance at the meeting to answer questions. If no member requests full committee review, the Chair and Biosafety Officer may approve the renewal administratively. In this case, you need not attend another meeting.
I want to make a change in personnel and/or another modification to an approved protocol. Do I need to inform anyone?
Yes, please notify the IBC Compliance Coordinator at ibc@uark.edu. Include the protocol number and title and the changes to be made. Personnel and minor changes will be approved administratively by the Chair of the IBC and the Biosafety Officer. For other modifications, if no member requests full committee review, the Chair and Biosafety Officer may approve the modification administratively. If full committee review is necessary, you will be notified and the protocol will be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled meeting.
IBC Meetings
Committee meetings will be conducted via Teams or Zoom until further notice.
Here is a complete list of Research Integrity and Compliance events.

BioRAFT is the platform used by the University, managed by the EHS team, for laboratory safety training, tracking chemical inventories, and lab inspections. Click the logo above to access these functions or begin your required safety training.
Contact IBC Program Staff

Dr. Bob Beitle Jr.
Director, Research Integrity and Compliance
106 MLKG